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Terms and conditions

These Terms of Use (“Terms”) were reviewed and updated on July 31, 2020

This API Developer Portal is operated by “BNPP”. The term “BNPP”, “our”, “we” or “us” means BNPP, whose registered office is at 16 Boulevard des Italiens, 75009 Paris and/or any of its affiliates (including its direct and indirect subsidiaries) where relevant

This website offers a platform for Users to access: (i) documentation relating to BNPP APIs; and (ii) a sandbox environment to test BNPP APIs with non-live data and services (the “API Developer Portal”), and a live environment to use BNPP APIs with live data and services.

These Terms, as set out below, govern your Use of the API Developer Portal, including the Content and the Services. Please read these Terms carefully (including all disclaimers) before you start to Use the API Developer Portal. By your Use of the API Developer Portal, you indicate that you accept these Terms and that you agree to be contractually bound by them.  If you do not agree to these Terms, please refrain from Using the API Developer Portal.

For the avoidance of doubt, if there is a conflict between these Terms and the PSD2 Requirements, the PSD2 Requirements will prevail in relation to your use of PSD2 APIs.

BNPP reserves the right to change these Terms at any time, without direct notice to you, by updating the wording on this webpage. Please ensure that you regularly check these Terms so you are fully aware of any changes or updates.


 BNPP APIs” means the application programming interfaces which BNPP makes available on the API Developer Portal at

 “Content” means any object code of the API Developer Portal, or any test data, BNPP API or any other data provided by BNPP in connection with the API Developer Portal.

 “Loss” means loss, damage or expense whether direct or indirect, including any loss of profit, loss of revenue, loss of anticipated savings, loss of opportunity, loss of contract, loss of goodwill, loss of reputation, loss of fees, increased cost of working, any indirect or consequential loss, or any loss resulting from liability to any other person (and, in each case, whether the foregoing arise in contract, tort, negligence or otherwise).

PSD2 APIs” means the BNPP APIs to which the PSD2 Requirements apply, as specified in the documentation provided by BNPP in respect of such BNPP APIs.

PSD2 Requirements” means the requirements of the EU Payments Services Directive 2 2015/2366 and the Commission Delegated Regulation No 2018/389.

 "Service" means all or part of the functionalities that can be used and offered on the API Developer Portal.

 “Use” means the access by a User to the API Developer Portal and/or their use of the Services.

 “User” means any person Using the Services.

 “User Data” means all data and information relating to Users, which are being transmitted and analysed by or on behalf of BNPP during the Users’ Use of the Services, including their personal data within the meaning of these Terms.


You are responsible for making all arrangements necessary for you to Use the Services, including but not limited to having and maintaining any technical equipment necessary for such Use, and installing certain standard features. This equipment shall remain at the User's expense, along with communication costs incurred by their Use of the Services.



If you act as an employee or on behalf of another person in your Use of the API Developer Portal, you must ensure you are authorised to do so by your employer or such other person.  Your Use of the API Developer Portal and your acceptance of these Terms constitute your personal representation and warranty that you are so authorised and that you have the power to bind your employer or such other person to these Terms. You shall also comply with any security measures implemented by your employer or such other person in order to protect the API Developer Portal, and any systems or materials accessible through the API Developer Portal, against unauthorised access, alteration, destruction, corruption or loss.

Access to certain parts of the Services described on the API Developer Portal may be subject to further prohibitions or restrictions which apply in respect of certain people in certain countries/states. You should not Use any part of the API Developer Portal to which prohibitions or restrictions apply, if you are not authorised to do so. By Using the API Developer Portal, you represent and warrant that such Use will not cause you, and/or will not cause BNPP, to breach any applicable law or regulation.


 Registration process

BNPP reserves the right to approve registration demands and may reject your application in its discretion without the need to provide any reasons. This takes place without incurring additional costs. For more information about the data collected when you register to Use the API Developer Portal, please refer to our Protection des Données - BNP Paribas (

 All information that you provide during this registration process must be accurate, complete and up to date, and you are responsible for keeping this information up to date and accurate throughout the term of your registration. You agree that you will not impersonate others and that you will inform BNPP without delay of any changes in the information you have provided to us. Where applicable, you agree that you will process these changes yourself by using the profile management space made available on the API Developer Portal.

Access to the catalogue of public APIs is available without creating an account.

Access to the catalogue of private APIs requires an account on the portal.

The latter must be requested by the partner from its BNP Paribas interlocutors.

Any employee of the partner who leaves the entity must explicitly make a request for legal closure through his/her BNP Paribas correspondent.

User ID and password

Upon the completion of your registration, you will be provided with a personal User ID and password (the “User Credentials”). The User Credentials are, and will remain, the property of BNPP and you are granted a non-transferable licence to use the User Credentials for the sole purpose of participating in the API Developer Portal.

You must keep the User Credentials confidential and must not share the User Credentials with any third parties. Each User is solely responsible for the use of its User Credentials. Any Use of the API Developer Portal, connection or transmission of data made through the specific profile associated with the User Credentials will be presumed to have been made by this User and under its sole responsibility.

BNPP shall not be liable for the loss of any User Credentials. If you become aware or suspect that your User Credentials have been compromised, you must contact your BNP Contact ([Generic Email creation in progress]) without undue delay. You must not attempt to circumvent or modify any User Credentials or any other security mechanism used by BNPP in connection with the API Developer Portal

4. USE

As part of your Use of the API Developer Portal, you may:

  • access documentation relating to BNPP APIs; and
  • use a sandbox environment to test BNPP APIs with non-live data and services
  • use a live environment to use BNPP APIs with live data and services.

This API Developer Portal is comprised of various pages. Some sections or pages may be subject to separate terms, which are supplemental to these Terms. You should ensure you read any additional terms carefully. By accessing and using any page, you agree to be bound by the applicable supplemental terms. In the event of a conflict, the supplemental terms shall take precedence over these Terms.

The API Developer Portal is for consultation only, to call non live/live data and services in a sandbox/live environment, and does not allow transactions of any kind to be completed. The information provided on the API Developer Portal is not to be construed as: (i) an offer of products or services; (ii) a proposal or inducement to make investments or to undertake arbitration in securities; (iii) an inducement to purchase or sell securities or any other product; (iv) a recommendation; and/or (v) all or part of a contract.

You may use the API Developer Portal only for lawful purposes. You must not use the API Developer Portal in any way that breaches: (i) any applicable laws or regulations; (ii) that is fraudulent or deceptive; or (iii) intentionally causes harm to BNPP or any third party.

Your Use of the API Developer Portal also constitutes your acknowledgement that you have the skills, training and equipment necessary to Use the Services.


This API Developer Portal aims at providing you with information concerning the products and services offered by BNPP through BNPP APIs.

No information contained on the API Developer Portal is to be considered a legal, tax, accounting or financial advice and no information shall be relied upon as such. It does not take into account the specific investment objectives, financial situation and the particular needs or suitability of any particular recipient and it shall not form the basis of or be relied upon in connection with any contract or commitment whatsoever. BNPP disclaims any responsibility for any decision taken on the basis of information contained on the API Developer Portal, as well as for the use thereof which could be made by third parties.

BNPP strives to ensure unhindered access to the API Developer Portal, as well as a reasonable level of operation and availability of thereof. However, we do not guarantee that the API Developer Portal, or any content on it, will always be available or be uninterrupted. Any unavailability and/or interruptions may result from reasons including maintenance, updates or technical improvements, or development of the API Developer Portal’s content and/or display, and any reason beyond BNPP's control, such as force majeure.

BNPP also reserves the right, in its sole discretion and without notice, to suspend and/or block access to the API Developer Portal for breach of these Terms or for any other reason, and/or discontinue or change any part of the API Developer Portal including, but not limited to, the information contained upon the API Developer Portal, the functionality of the API Developer Portal and the layout and look of the API Developer Portal.

We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness or appropriateness of the information relating to, or in connection with, the API Developer Portal. We are not under any obligation to keep the API Developer Portal, or any Content, up to date. Therefore, the information on the API Developer Portal may be out of date at any given time.


 You agree to comply with these Terms and all applicable law and regulations when Using this API Developer Portal. In particular, you agree not to:

 (i) compromise, damage, disable, overload, disturb or interfere with the security or operation of the API Developer Portal, including BNPP's information and operating systems or those of its potential service providers;

(ii) use or allow the use of the API Developer Portal in an abusive or illicit manner, or for illegal fraudulent or malicious purposes in any manner and in any form whatsoever, including but not limited to, by hacking the API Developer Portal or introducing malicious code, including viruses, or harmful data into the API Developer Portal, using any system, device or program to extract data or information from the API Developer Portal or BNPP's servers, sending or storing documents containing viruses, worms, Trojans or other malware, files, scripts, harmful information agents or programs, or interfering with or infringing the integrity or performance of the API Developer Portal and any data contained therein;

(iii) attempt to gain unauthorised access to the API Developer Portal, its related systems or networks, the server on which the API Developer Portal is stored or any server, computer or database connected to the API Developer Portal;

(iv)  attack the API Developer Portal via a denial-of-service attack or a distributed denial-of-service attack;

(v)  use any robot, spider or other similar search application to retrieve or index the Content;

(vi)  reverse engineer, disassemble, reconstruct or decompile any Content;

(vii)  engage in any activity that prevents any other User from using the Content;

(viii)  collect information about other Users; and/or

(ix) establish a link to any part of the API Developer Portal in any other website or application unless you have BNPP’s prior written consent to do so given that the API Developer Portal should not be framed on any other website or application. 

 It should be noted that it is a criminal offence to access or remain fraudulently in a computer system, to hinder or distort the functioning of such system, or to introduce data to or modify fraudulently the data in a computer system. We will report any such breach to the relevant law enforcement authorities and we will cooperate with those authorities by disclosing your identity to them. In the event of such a breach, your right to Use the API Developer Portal will cease immediately.

BNPP will not be liable for any Losses caused by a distributed denial-of-service attack, viruses or other technologically harmful material that may infect your computer equipment, computer programs, data or other proprietary material due to your Use of the API Developer Portal or your downloading of any material posted on it.

Failure to comply with these Terms may result in the User’s right to Use the API Developer Portal being ceased or suspended without further notice, without prejudice to any other rights BNPP may have, including the right to claim damages in legal proceedings.


BNPP and/or its licensors own all of the rights (including intellectual property rights), title and interests in and to any contents or items that make up the API Developer Portal, particularly the Content, the API Design and Documentation, and any information, data, designs, graphics, photographs, audio recordings and video recordings. All such rights, save as expressly granted, are reserved, and the benefit of any goodwill which arises through the use of such rights inures to BNPP.

On approval of your registration by BNPP, BNPP will grant you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable and non-sublicensable right to Use the API Developer Portal for the term of your registration for the sole purpose of participating in the API Developer Portal in accordance with these Terms. In particular, under these Terms, you are limited to Using the API Developer Portal for: (i) your own personal and/ or internal business use; and (ii) the purposes listed in section 4 only.

The Content on the API Developer Portal may not be reproduced, displayed, represented, distributed or transmitted to any other person by any means whatsoever, whether in whole or in part, without the prior express authorisation of BNPP. The Content may not be taken out of context or presented in an inaccurate, misleading, unfair or discriminatory way.

All trademarks (whether registered or unregistered) used on the API Developer Portal are the property of BNPP or its licensors. The trademarks may not be reproduced or used in any way, whether in whole or in part, without the prior authorisation of BNPP. You agree not to remove any copyright notice or other notice signifying BNPP’s or any other third party’s intellectual property rights.

Except as expressly provided herein, nothing in these Terms nor contained on the API Developer Portal shall be deemed or construed to grant any licence or right expressly, by implication or otherwise of any BNPP intellectual property rights.

Any action in violation of this section would constitute an infringement of the rights of BNPP and/or its licensors, and BNPP and/or its licensors may take appropriate legal action to enforce their rights.


Nothing in these Terms shall exclude or limit any person's liability for: (i) death or personal injury caused by its negligence: or (ii) fraud.

To the extent permissible by applicable law and/or regulations, and subject to the paragraph directly above, neither BNPP nor any of its group members, agents, licensors, delegates, nor its or their directors, officers or employees will be liable for any Losses (as defined in these Terms), including, but not limited to Losses incurred or suffered by you directly or indirectly in connection with:

(i)  your Use of or inability to Use, the API Developer Portal (whether in whole or in part and whether or not within the control of BNPP);

(ii) your use of or reliance on any Content on the API Developer Portal;

(iii) the suitability, sufficiency or otherwise of the API Developer Portal or the information on the API Developer Portal for any particular purpose;

(iv) any delay, error or omission regarding the Content of the API Developer Portal;

(v) any information provided on the API Developer Portal being corrupted, wrong or inaccurate; or

(vi) the acts or omissions of you or any third parties, including, but not limited to, the act or omissions of third parties in making the API Developer Portal and providing information to be used on the API Developer Portal. 

The API Developer Portal, any Content and any other information provided on the API Developer Portal is provided “as is” and the Use of the API Developer Portal is entirely at your own risk. We do not represent nor warrant that such information is error-free, accurate or complete and you should not rely on it as such. BNPP shall have no obligation to amend or update any information provided on the API Developer Portal. BNPP does not give any express or implied warranty on the suitability of the API Developer Portal for any particular purpose. BNPP does not make nor provide any representation or warranty or condition of any kind, implied, express or statutory regarding the API Developer Portal, including, but not limited to information or any details contained in or on the API Developer Portal.

Subject to the other terms of this section, the total aggregate liability of BNPP for all Losses arising out of or in connection with these Terms and the API Developer Portal shall not exceed £1,000. In the event of any inconsistency between this section and any other provision in these Terms, the terms of this section will prevail. 

You agree that the exclusions and limitations set out in these Terms are reasonable in light of the nature of the API Developer Portal and the technology used to underpin the API Developer Portal (including that the internet is not a completely reliable transmission medium).


The internet and emails may not be a suitable way to send confidential information as such communications may not be secure. BNPP therefore recommends that you do not use this means of transferring confidential information, unless additional security methods, such as encryption technology, are adopted. BNPP does not accept any responsibility for any confidential information sent to us via the internet, email or the API Developer Portal.

If, and to the extent, you receive confidential information relating to, or in connection with, the API Developer Portal, you must treat such confidential information as strictly confidential and you may not disclose such confidential information to third parties. You agree to protect such information from unauthorised access and to treat it with the same care with which you would treat your own confidential information.


The API Developer Portal may contain links to external applications, websites and sources which are not controlled by BNPP. These applications, websites and sources, and the products and services contained on them, are not endorsed by BNPP, and BNPP has not verified the truth, accuracy, authenticity or reliability of the content of them.

You use such applications, websites and sources entirely at your own risk as BNPP cannot control such external applications, websites and sources, and therefore cannot be held liable for the use, availability, information or content included on them, in particular with regard to their opinions, recommendations, advertising, products or any other service available on or from them.

This API Developer Portal may also contain material provided by third parties. BNPP accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy, authenticity or reliability of such material.


BNPP may process your User Data, including personal data, as part of and/or in connection with your Use of the API Developer Portal. This may include using cookies or similar technology to collect information about your Use of the API Developer Portal.

For more information on how BNPP collects and uses your personal data, please see our Protection des Données - BNP Paribas ( For more information on how BNPP uses cookies, please see our Politique cookies - BNP Paribas ( The Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy are also available from the link on the homepage at By Using the API Developer Portal, you acknowledge that you have been informed that cookies are used on this API Developer Portal and consent to BNPP processing your personal data and using cookies, as set out in our Cookies Policy. You agree that if you choose not to permit BNPP to use and store cookies on your computer or device, you will need to alter your internet browser settings so that cookies are not permitted. You accept that rejecting BNPP cookies in this way may mean that parts of the API Developer Portal may not function properly or be accessible.


 BNPP may terminate your registration and access to the API Developer Portal at any time without prior notice. Your registration will automatically terminate if you breach any of these Terms. Upon termination, any rights which are granted to you under these Terms will automatically cease.


These Terms shall be governed by English law and you agree that the English courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction to determine any matter or dispute arising out of or in connection with this API Developer Portal or these Terms. If for any reason, a competent court finds any part of these Terms invalid, unlawful or unenforceable to any extent, BNPP shall delete the relevant part from the Terms and the remainder of the Terms shall continue to be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.

These Terms together with any supplemental BNPP API Developer Portal terms shall contain the entire agreement and understanding of the parties, and supersede all prior agreements, understandings or arrangements in relation to this API Developer Portal.

You will be able to download, print and store a copy of these Terms for your personal use only. These Terms may not be used or copied for any business or other purpose.

 Copyright BNP Paribas 2020. All rights reserved.