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Payment initiation - Ma Banque

1.1.0 based on STET API version
Provided by:
PSD2 Team
Last update:

This API intends to provide an interface between

  • Account Servicing Payment Service Providers (ASPSP)
  • P.I.S.P (Payment Initiation Service Provider)

This API is based on STET API version

To access PSD2 BNP PARIBAS French Retail Banking API, please use one of the following links :

PSD2 Sandbox (test data)
PSD2 Production (live data)

Swagger versions

Version Date Informations
1.1.1 2023-06-09 Updating documentation.
Available on sandbox and Nominal :
- Creation and consultation of standing orders in ApptoApp journey (11 MAY 2023)
- Cancellation of standing orders (07 JUN 2023)
1.1.0 2022-10-07 Updating documentation. Standing order is now available on Sandbox on October 18 and available on Nominal in December. In this version the frequency is limited to the beneficiary account of France and Monaco and the daily frequency is inactive.
1.0.1 2021-07-08 Updating documentation
1.0.0 2019-? Version before 2021

Detals of implementation

endpoints Description
API Request initiation This API is used with a POST request to initiate a payment. Datas below are returned in this endpoint : redirection url paymentId
API Retrieval of a payment request This API is used with a GET request to retrieve some details of payment and the status of the payment.

Details of the sandbox PISP implementation

Details of implementation
PISP sandbox data - The payment data are those transmitted by the TPP in the payment request endpoint. Only fake payment data must be sent in the body request : no confidential nor personnal data must be submitted.
- The payment data transmitted by the TPP in the request body of the sandbox APIs will not be subjected to coherence controls..
- In order to allow the TPP to test the different status after PSU validation :
  - if last digit of the amount (including decimals) is even : payment status is executed
  - if last digit of the amount (including decimals) is odd : payment status is rejected
- If there is no debtor account submitted in the POST /payment-request, a default debtor account will be set by the ASPSP in the GET /payment-request.
PSU Identification / Authentication - The PSU identification / authentication is needed at the first step of the PSU sandbox PISP journey. The password is '785149' for all the users (all users id are accepted).
- For the PSU SCA in sandbox, only SMS OTP is available in the user interface ; no control is applied as long as numbers are full-filled. The password to test the non-passing case is "00000".

The API is designed on a REST model using JSON structures. The Richardson Maturity Model is applied on level three using HAL HYPERMEDIA links