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Providing APIs for collaborators or customers

Do my entity can have its own Dev Portal?

If your entity wants to expose its APIs (internally and/or externally) but doesn't have a Dev Portal yet, send us an email at  with your request.


What is an API Provider ?

An API Provider is a person who offers to expose an API on the portal. This person will be at the initiative of the creation of the API card and will have access to a set of functionalities more extensive than a user. This person may also be the "owner" of the card.


How can I become an API Provider for my entity?

To become an API Provider, you can contact an administrator via the contact email. Upon receipt, the team will study your request and, if necessary, increase your rights on the website.


Can you help me building my APIs ?

The team is here to collect needs and offers you new features on Dev Portal. Unfortunatly, they cannot help you build your technical solution.


How do I monetize my API ?

This feature will be available later. Before, it will be appropriate to study the use of your API in order to deduce the best possible financing plan.


How do I authorize a user to access to an API Private documentation ?

You can restrict the access to your API documentation by choosing the "Private" status when creating your API Card. Thus, if the user wishes to consult your information, he will have to send you a request via the form present in the card.
On your side, you will be able to see all the users who have made a request and manage the access rights for each from your API card.